Terms of Use of the Heat³EasyPack™ calculator

HEAT³ EasyPack™ calculator

1. General

1.1. The following Terms of Use (hereinafter: Terms of Use) govern the terms of use of the package price calculation calculator (hereinafter: Calculator) on the Internet address www.PackModule.com  and its sub-pages. By using the Calculator, the User agrees to the Terms of Use.
1.2. The owner and administrator of the Calculator is HEAT3 OÜ (hereinafter HEAT3), address Härgmäe 21, 76902 Tallinn, registry code 11256808, e-mail info@heat3.ee, telephone +372 71 51 999.
1.3. The users of the Calculator can be all adult natural persons with full active legal capacity and legal persons (hereinafter: the User).
1.4. By using the Calculator, the User confirms that all the data provided by him/her is correct and that he/she is an adult natural person with full active legal capacity or a legal or authorized representative of a legal person. The correctness of the User’s confirmations is presumed and HEAT3 is not obliged to check it.
1.5. The User has the right to use the Calculator only in accordance with the Terms of Use.

2. Calculator and its use

2.1. The calculator allows the User to calculate the price of the HEAT³ EasyPack™ bag required for packaging his/her product.
2.2. The User is obliged to enter only correct and accurate data into the Calculator. The User is aware that if the data is entered incorrectly, the price and size of the package calculated by the Calculator may not be correct.
2.3. The data entered by the User into the Calculator and the price calculated by the Calculator are automatically sent to HEAT3 and the price becomes binding after HEAT3 sends the order confirmation to the User’s e-mail. The price of the packaging approved by the HEAT3 may differ from the initial price calculated by the Calculator.
2.4. HEAT3 does its best to keep the Calculator available and usable at all times. HEAT3 shall not be liable for any unexpected interruptions in the operation of the Calculator or for any damage caused to the User due to the interruption.

3. Principles of processing personal data of Users who are natural persons

3.1. HEAT3 processes the following personal data of Users who are natural persons: first and last name, telephone number and e-mail address (hereinafter Personal Data).
3.2. The controller of the User’s personal data is HEAT3 OÜ, registry code 11256808, address Härgmäe 21, 76902 Tallinn.
3.3. HEAT3 processes the User’s Personal Data for the purpose of calculating the price of the package for the User.
3.4. In addition, HEAT3 processes the User’s Personal Data for the purpose of transmitting information about commercial announcements, advertising materials and HEAT3’s activities if the User has so requested.
3.5. HEAT3 processes Personal Data in accordance with the principles of data protection recognized in Europe (legality, fairness, transparency, purposefulness and minimality) and the processing of Personal Data is always based on the interests, rights and freedoms of the User.
3.6. HEAT3 collects and stores the User’s Personal Data in electronic form, extracting them in other forms if necessary.
3.7. HEAT3 shall store the User’s Personal Data for 1 year from the time the User enters the Personal Data into the Calculator.
3.8. The User has the right to know what data HEAT3 retains about him/her by submitting a corresponding inquiry to the HEAT3 e-mail address provided in the Calculator.
3.9. The User has the right to change, correct, request the deletion and termination of further processing of his/her Personal Data at any time. For this, the User submits a corresponding application to the HEAT3 e-mail address provided in the Calculator.

4. Copyright and use of cookies

4.1. All information contained in the Calculator, including the design and software of the Calculator, is protected by copyright in accordance with the Copyright Act.
4.2. All copyrights to the content of the Calculator and the materials published in it belong to HEAT3 or are granted to HEAT3 to the extent that allows their use.
4.3. Without such prior written consent, the User shall not have the right to reproduce, distribute, transmit, translate, link to other websites, make extracts or otherwise use the Calculator or the data contained therein in any way.
4.4. HEAT3 uses cookies in the Calculator in order to provide the User with a better user experience. Cookies allow the Calculator’s web servers to recognize the User and automatically adjust the content of the Calculator to suit the User’s needs when the User visits the Calculator.
4.5. The User is considered to have agreed to the use of cookies if cookies are enabled in the User’s web browser settings. The User can always decide whether to allow cookies in his/her web browser or not.

5. Other conditions

5.1. Transmission of all notices and information from HEAT3 to the User takes place in an electronic form via the contact details entered by the User. Transmission of notices and information from the User to HEAT3 takes place via Calculator or e-mail address provided in the Terms of Use.
5.2. The Terms of Use enter into force upon acceptance of the Terms of Use by the User and are valid during the validity of the legal relationship regulated in the Terms of Use.
5.3. The legal relationship between the User and HEAT3 arising from the use of the Calculator is governed by the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
5.4. Disputes arising from the use of the Calculator shall be resolved by the User and HEAT3 through negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the dispute will be settled in Harju County Court.
5.5. If it is not possible to resolve disputes through negotiations, the consumer can also turn to the Consumer Protection and Technical Surveillance Authority (location Sõle 23a, Tallinn 10614, www.ttja.ee) for advice and explanations or submit the dispute to the Consumer Disputes Committee. Complaints may also be submitted to the Consumer Disputes Committee via the online dispute resolution environment at http://ec.europa.eu/odr, where also the Commission’s rules of procedure are available.

Get a HEAT³ EasyPack™ heat-shrinkable bag (178mic/7Mil) quotation in only one minute

  • Step 1: your project

  • Step 2: your contacts

  • Step 3: your calculation

After entering the maximum dimensions and quantity of the rectangular module and the correct contact details, you will find a quote in your mailbox.

Please note! The manufactured bag will be a little bit bigger, than your maximum dimensions for ease of installation (bag should be heated after installation to shrink tightly around the module).
Please note! Unknown roof inclinations, eaves or similar can increase the dimensions. To get a more specific quotations or quotation about other shapes and more different dimensions etc. send your information to sales@PackModule.com.

Step 1 of 2

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    * PPL - price per pallet
  • Send drawing(s) and/or additional information (e.g. shape, amount, different expectations, etc.) to sales@PackModule.com.

    Using the calculator or asking for a quotation will not incur any costs for the user of this webpage.

    The information you send will only be used for your quote and not be shared with a third party. To get a proper quote, please send accurate information.

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Benefits of HEAT³ EasyPack™


  1. Thanks to the UV inhibitors contained in the HEAT³ EasyPack™ film, packaging is durable in outdoor conditions for at least a year (in practice, we have had cases where the packaging has lasted over five years without being damaged).
  2. The HEAT³ EasyPack™ offers complete protection against various weather conditions. If applied properly, the HEAT³ EasyPack™ offers sealed, gapless waterproof packaging that helps reduce all kinds of weather risks.
  3. The HEAT³ EasyPack™ can also be ordered with anti-corrosion inhibitors or flame-retardant material. Using vents, moisture-absorbing solutions and zipper doors/hatches in the packaging, you can further improve the purpose of your packaging solution.


  1. The film used to make the HEAT³ EasyPack™ is selected based on the highest possible quality expectations. The choice of packaging material is based on the purpose of use of the packaging, the customer’s special requests and the shape and size of the product. Thanks to the UV inhibitors contained in the film, the film used to make the packaging is durable in outdoor conditions for at least a year (in practice, we have had cases where the packaging has lasted over five years without being damaged).
    You can see the parameters of the packaging film linked here.
  2. The HEAT³ EasyPack™ heat-shrinkable bag is more resistant to strong winds than alternatives as it is shrunk/heated tightly around the product. In many other cases, it is common for wind to push loose packaging against the product, thus breaking the packaging and, in the worst case, damaging the product due to friction. Shrinked bags will not chafe or damage covered products. When properly applied, shrink wrap will not move or chafe like heavy, dirty tarps can when covering loads to be transported or stored.
  3. Undamaged packaging is waterproof. The cover can be damaged if the wind gets between the cover and the object (this can be solved if rectified in a timely manner, preventing the wind from getting in by taping the opening or covering it with some other means). If the packaging is not damaged by secondary factors (vandalism, sharp tree branches, knives, sharp edges of the packaged object, etc.) and the entire surface of the packaging is entirely pre-heated, the cover can withstand normal transport speeds as well as strong storm winds.
  4. As folding the packaging to fit on the module is not necessary with the HEAT³ EasyPack™, the durability risk of the packaging is reduced – the welds of the film joints are pre-made in the clean conditions of the HEAT3 factory (weld quality can suffer significantly if wood or metal dust or moisture get between the folds) and there is no risk of the heated folds not holding together. In alternative cases, poorly heated folds could open during transport, thus creating potential wind-catching areas that could break the packaging.


  1. When making the HEAT³ EasyPack™ heat-shrinkable bags the ease of later installation and removal is also considered. The packaging is always folded and rolled up in such a way that later installation is always similar, regardless of the size and shape of the packaging, which allows the packaging at the factory to be standardised and the quality and speed of packaging to be increased.
  2. Standard packaging is 3-5 times lighter in weight than PVC covers, which eliminates the need for the mechanised lifting of most modules during packaging. This also avoids possible breaches of occupational health rules that may occur with other packaging methods. With the correct work techniques, the time needed to work on ladders and at height is also reduced.
  3. As there is no need to fold HEAT³ EasyPack™ packaging above the knee, the experienced packer performs the work quickly and safely while maintaining the high quality of the packaging.
  4. If requested, HEAT3 also offers training at the customer’s facilities on the project they need, which adds even more speed and quality to further packaging. Removing the packaging is also fast and simple as there are minimal or no strips holding the packaging. Depending on how the bottom perimeter of the packaging is fastened, it only takes a few minutes to remove large packaging. The removal guide can be found in the “How to…” instructions.


Using the HEAT³ EasyPack™ solution improves the inventory records, material planning and material-related working capital for packaging materials needed in production.

  1. If a company has too much production stock in the warehouse system, a large part of the working capital is trapped under this. However, insufficient stock results in temporal and financial failures. Classical production stock includes cycle stock and buffer and safety stock. Using the HEAT³ EasyPack™ heat-shrinkable bags, it is possible to eliminate the need for buffer and safety stock in production – in this packaging solution, perfectly suitable heat shrink wrap is prepared for each product that needs packaging, as a result of which the need for material in the packaging is predictable, no more no less. The logistical warehousing and transport costs associated with packaging using HEAT³ EasyPack™ heat-shrinkable bags are minimised and working capital is used more efficiently.
  2. The HEAT³ EasyPack™ solution significantly simplifies and speeds up the packaging process, which improves production capacity (increases volume and reduces time). At the same time, as speed increases, there is also a need for more production stock. However, this would force an increase in the buffer and safety stock. With the HEAT³ EasyPack™ solution, this growth and the associated costs are minimised.
  3. The increased efficiency and simplification of the process resulting from the HEAT³ EasyPack™ packaging solution boasts a number of ways to further improve processes that provide opportunities to review costs. Using freed-up resources, it is possible to achieve a competitive advantage:
    • The OEE (overall equipment effectiveness) of the production area is increased – a faster packaging process enables better occupancy of the production area and improves the efficiency indicators of the use of the company’s assets.
    • The simplicity and similarity of the packaging process, regardless of the size and shape of the product, allows the process to be standardised while minimising the cost of changing formats and/or settings. Standardisation provides an additional opportunity to streamline processes and create a competitive advantage.
    • By streamlining and standardising the packaging process, the increase in the speed and efficiency of the processes will enable you to direct your resources to new projects sooner than expected and increase sales per square metre of factory space.
    • The speed of installation and removal of packaging enables savings in crane operating hours – planning the lifting service in the factory and later on site is easier than before, and possible waiting times for packaging and removal are minimised.
    • You will be able to reduce the number of employees involved in packaging processes. One employee may be able to perform the job now with the same physical effort and time as 3-4 employees in the past.
  4. The user-friendliness and simplicity of the packaging method allows for the transfer and implementation of experience gained during the packaging process of previous projects in subsequent projects.


Standard packaging is 3-5 times lighter in weight than PVC coverings, which eliminates the need for the mechanised lifting of packaging when packaging most modules and the possible health concerns of packers that may arise during the installation of other heavier packaging. The use of lighter packaging creates a safer working environment.

The standard HEAT³ EasyPack™ heat-shrinkable bag with a thickness of 180 mic (7 Mil) 1 m² weighs approx. 165 g.

E.g: 10 m (L) x 3 m (W) x 3 m (H) package weight approx. 16.5 kg.


  1. HEAT3 uses only the highest quality 100% virgin heat shrink film in the manufacture of its HEAT³ EasyPack™ packaging and controls the surface and thickness of the raw material (heat shrink film) of each incoming shipment.
  2. During the production of packaging, the quality of welds and resistance to tensile pressure are checked. We also recommend that you always place stopper tape on the welds at short intervals (if the film seam is damaged during transport, the weld will not tear beyond the stopper and this allows the carrier to eliminate the damage before it progresses). We recommend that customers provide each transport vehicle with the special tape intended for heat shrink film (sold by HEAT3) – if the packaging is damaged during transport because of sharp branches, etc., it can be sealed when the damage is noticed so that the wind generated by transport does not blow into the packaging and tear it.
  3. Larger quantities of packaging are shipped from the HEAT3 factory packed in a Big-Bag or, in the case of smaller quantities, a carton. This ensures that the packaging always arrives clean at the customer’s factory.
  4. As the packaging is usually beautiful, smooth, clean, white and wrapped tightly around the product, it is easy to follow the entire transport cycle – if the module is damaged during any stage of transport, the damage can be immediately seen on the packaging and thus it is easier to identify the moment or cause of damage. In order for this method of control to work, the situation should be recorded with photos at each stage of transport.
  5. If long-term storage is required, special vents can be added to the packaging to allow air to move under the packaging, thus reducing the potential risk of moisture damage. Zipper doors can also be taped on the packaging, which allow you to complete internal work inside the packaging, perform quality checks during the storage period or ventilate the modules.


Polyethylene (PE) is environmentally friendly if used responsibly. AS A MATTER OF FACT, IGNORANT USERS ARE NOT ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY – most users have access to recycling; the problem is the will and lack of empathy …

The HEAT³ EasyPack™ is made only from the highest quality 100% virgin premium LDPE (low-density polyethylene) heat shrink film on the market, which belongs to the #4 plastic resin group LDPE. Plastic #4 (LDPE) and the HEAT³ EasyPack™ are recyclable. Commonly, resins such as LDPE, HDPE, PET and PP are recyclable (so #1, #2, #4 and #5), LDPE being one of the easiest to process and recycle. LDPE is considered less toxic than other plastics and safe for use. When recycled, LDPE plastic is used for plastic lumber, landscaping boards, rubbish bin liners, floor tiles, etc.

The resins that are not typically recyclable are PVC (Plastic #3), PS – Polystyrene (Plastic #6) and OTHER (Plastic #7)

Drawing: https://www.oberk.com/

Using the HEAT³ EasyPack™, you provide your input to sustainability and nature preservation:

Using lighter packaging (such as the HEAT³ EasyPack™) to pack our products, we preserve nature and reduce CO² emissions, fuel consumption and the volume and weight of waste. According to a study conducted in the USA , the use of plastic packaging has a significantly smaller footprint on our environment than alternatives. For example, at comparable values, the use of plastic packaging instead of alternative packaging during the lifetime of packaging will result in the use of significantly less water, the generation of only a fifth of the weight of waste, a twofold reduction in the potential global warming and so on.

The decoupling effect has demonstrated that plastics play a role in helping reduce waste and improve environmental sustainability over time, even as consumer spending habits have increased.

HEAT3 does its best to educate its customers on sending used packaging to a local recyclable material collection point after use. LDPE is usually accepted free of charge, but in many countries recycling drop-off centres also pay for the quantities of clean film received (in this case, the film must be clean and materials of any other categories must be removed). If the film removed from the module is cut into panes, the panes must be placed on top of one another and rolled up. It is then easy to collect, as it does not take up much space this way.
Please check your local recycling drop-off centre’s acceptance policies and conditions.

When packaging with HEAT³ EasyPack™ packaging, the minimum footprint of your activities is left to nature because:

  • There is no need to fold and cut the film when packaging the module – you only use the minimum quantity of film required, unlike other roll materials, which you have to fold and cut to form the correct packaging.
  • You have no or minimal (up to 5%) packaging waste in the module building factory – the HEAT³ EasyPack™ is designed so that you do not normally generate film waste in the factory production process which should be disposed of. When wrapping in roll film, depending on the length of the roll itself and the shape and dimensions of the module, an average of 15% film waste can be generated, which must be disposed of.
  • In the production of packaging, HEAT³ uses about 99% purchased raw material. The remaining is sent back for recycling through a waste management company.

Nature (especially oceans) is harmed by the accumulation of microplastics, which also reach fish, birds, animals and humans. It is easy to throw small amounts into nature so that nobody notices, but it is much more difficult to get rid of packaging for modular houses in an improper manner. Due to the size and quantity of the packaging it is easier for the user to arrange for LDPE to be sent to recycling companies than it is to hide it, and if the conditions are met, even earn a refund by giving it away.

To separate and collect the used film, we recommend using the same FIBC (flexible intermediate bulk container) Big-Bag (Big-Bags are made out of PP, which is also recyclable), in which the ordered HEAT³ EasyPack™ packaging is sent to you. This way:

  • film is separated from the rest of the waste so that it can be easily disposed of at a local recycling drop-off centre;
  • the waste stays clean and does not volatilise in nature


  1. HEAT³ EasyPack™ heat shrink wraps have been shipped to almost all continents (except Antarctica). Depending on the location and the required delivery time, it is possible to offer road, air and sea transport.
  2. The buyer of HEAT³ EasyPack™ packaging also has the possibility to arrange transport to their factory themselves (delivery term EXW Tallinn, Estonia).
  3. We usually put the packaging in special Big-Bags on a pallet or in a carton, which protects HEAT³ EasyPacks™ during transport to the customer’s factory. The average fully loaded pallet weighs 500-600 kg (depending on the size and amount of packaging).
  4. Most orders can be shipped from the factory within a week. Depending on the country and the amount of packaging required, we can deliver most packaging within 2-4 weeks. For more specific requests, the delivery may be longer.


  1. Using the HEAT³ EasyPack™, a beautiful, clean, shiny and tight look is achieved for the modules during transport – this also increases sales and marketing potential during transportation and arrival to your customer.
  2. Advertising stickers can easily be glued to the packaging or, using spray paint and/or stencils, the necessary markings for transport can be added.
  3. The HEAT³ EasyPack™ is usually white in colour (white absorbs the least amount of solar energy and so the packaged module is less susceptible to solar heat and possible moisture generation inside the packaging). However, other colours can be requested if desired.



  1. Using the website calculator, you can get a quick quote on the packaging for your rectangular module. The price offer calculated according to the dimensions (m or ft) and quantity inserted by the requester (it is also possible to add the delivery price for selected countries) is quickly sent to the requester’s e-mail. If everything suits, you can immediately order the packaging according to the offer by replying to the letter.
  2. If you want to ask, specify, change or negotiate something, if your modules have special shapes or many measurements, or if you want us to calculate a personal offer for you, don’t hesitate to contact us by sending us an e-mail with questions, drawings, photos, etc. to sales@PackModule.com.
    We usually answer within 1-3 business days.
  3. Depending on the country and the quantity of packaging required, we can usually deliver the packaging within 2-4 weeks (within a few days in some cases). For more specific requests, the delivery time can be longer.