The HEAT³ EasyPack™ (and the LDPE used for manufacturing it) is environmentally friendly if it is used responsibly. If plastic ends up in landfills, it means USERS ARE NOT ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY. The problem is not plastic! As a matter of fact according to studies, plastic packaging has a significantly smaller footprint on our environment than alternative packaging during the lifetime of packaging. Most users have access to recycling – we just have to take responsibility and recycle.
- The HEAT³ EasyPack™ is made from special LDPE heat shrink film, which belongs to the # 4 plastic resin group LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene), and is a recyclable material.
LDPE is considered less toxic than other plastics, safe for use, and one of the easiest plastics to process and recycle. When recycled, LDPE plastic is used for plastic lumber, landscaping boards, rubbish bin liners, floor tiles, etc. LDPE will continue doing its part to deliver more goods with less waste, energy use and global warming potential than alternatives. Alternative packaging material PVC is dubbed as the “poison plastic” because it contains numerous toxins which it can leach throughout its life cycle and PVC plastic recycling is almost impracticable because of various additives (less than 1% of PVC material is recycled). - Recycle your plastics following the instructions given by your local recycling programme. Consult your local waste management companies to understand the conditions you need to meet for collection and/or find an alternative recycling drop-off site near you.
Drop-off centres will normally take your LDPE for free and if the required conditions are met, they may pay some money for collected LDPE. Please check with your local recycling drop-off centre’s acceptance policies and conditions.
Possible conditions (depending on the recycling programme) for getting money back:- LDPE must be segregated from other types of waste
- LDPE must be clean
- All possible other types of material needs to be cut off/out of recyclable LDPE (stickers, ropes, design papers, metal, wood etc.)
- When removing the packaging from the module:
- If possible, remove on a clean surface, and the packaging should be clean
- Cut the film panes from the packaging (this will make it easier for you to handle the film – if the film pane is too large, it can be easily exposed to the wind and it will be more difficult to fold it together).
- Cut other materials from the packaging (stickers, fastening strings, wooden strips, metal, very dirty areas, etc.) and separate them from the recyclable film.
- Place the film panes on top of one another and roll them up. Then it is also easy to collect and it saves space in the collection container.
- When a sufficient amount has been collected, call a disposal company, who will remove the collected waste.
- When ordering larger quantities of HEAT³ EasyPack™ packaging, they are sent packed in FIBC (flexible intermediate bulk container) bags (Big Bag).
- Big-Bags are made of polypropylene (PP), which belongs to the #5 plastic resin group and is also recyclable.
- A Big-Bag is also very suitable for collecting used HEAT³ EasyPack™ packaging before sending it to a company that collects materials suitable for recycling.
- Big-Bags can always be sent back to HEAT³, so we can re-use them when sending our environmentally friendly HEAT³ EasyPack™ bags to the next customer.